Rick Manis Ministries Podcast
Messages about the amazing grace and unconditional love of God the Father shown through his son Jesus Christ.
149 episodes
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Heaven’s sound is joy, love, and peace—breaking through religious traditions and earthly fears. Jesus showed us this freedom, unafraid to challenge the status quo, bringing LIFE and reconciliation. We have the opportunity to echo heaven’s joyfu...
The Approval That Empowers
We spend so much time wrestling with the truth that they are God's beloved children and already have His approval. Stop striving. Stop searching. God has already declared that we are His, and He is well pleased with us. Our identity is securely...
At The Table With The Outcast
When we love others in a way that draws on God's life within us, it transforms our relationships. Let the Spirit, the heart of Christ within you, work through you to bring life to others.
When The Table Gets Messy - Judi Manis
Healing in community can feel counterintuitive, especially when the wounds we have come from others. Yet, it’s part of God’s design. While God is the ultimate healer who restores us to who He created us to be, inviting others into the process c...
God's Community
People often think of salvation or "sozo" as simply an escape from Hell. However, Jesus' work is much greater—He restores us to wholeness and unity with God, as we were originally created to be. Salvation is about more than rescue; it's about r...
God's Eye View - Part 2
When we choose to see from God's perspective, we discover beauty in even the darkest places and become more aware of His goodness and love in our lives.
God's Eye View
When we choose to see from God's perspective, we discover beauty in even the darkest places and become more aware of His goodness and love in our lives.
The Power of the Presence of God
God's presence is a life-changing reality. Not only does He walk with us in every season, but His Spirit lives within us - guiding, comforting, and providing all we need.
What is the Christian Life?
How do you live the Christian life? Is is more about you getting it right or God and his goodness? Rest in God, receive from Him, and allow His life to work mightily through you!
Who Told You That?
The enemy works overtime to convince us that God is a distant, angry judge waiting to punish your every wrong move. REJECT THAT LIE! God is a loving Father who gave everything to be in close relationship with you. He lavishes us with grace and ...
Go and Sin No More
When we realize we are free from condemnation, everything changes! The message of the cross, "I don't condemn you," transforms our lives and perspective of God while also affirming our value and worth to Him. Liberated from the weight of condem...
Prince of Peace
Happy Holy Week! Jesus came to establish peace between humanity and God, allowing us to reconcile with the Father and attain perfect union with Him. The conflict between God and man is over. His laws reside within us, governing every aspect of ...
If I Were A Little Bit Better
The feeling of rejection was a common thread in my life. What if I was just a little bit better? This led to a journey of trying to be liked, measure up, and please others. It was exhausting. It wasn't until I understood the fullness of God's l...
It Pleased The Father
God's heart is for reconciliation. "For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peac...
Leaving Law-Law Land (Part 2)
“Law Law Land” describes a system where sin is at the center: trying to manage it, trying to avoid it, trying to be sure everything is fairly judged, trying to please or punish others, depending on their behavior. Here we are focused on keeping...
Leaving Law-Law Land (Part 1)
In Law Law Land, we operate under a contractual relationship with God. We get caught up in obedience, trying to avoid God’s displeasure by trying to manage sin. Our world becomes consumed with a God who is not very warm or inviting.
Given Unto Us
Jesus truly is your "ALL IN ONE" gift, and there is so much receive and celebrate in Him.
Light of the World
We are carriers of HIS light! As we get to know who Jesus is, we realize who we are, and our light begins to brightly shine into a dark, broken world."Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify you...
Growing Gracefully
Growing in grace begins with knowing you are fully and unconditionally loved by your Heavenly Father.
When we aren't aware of our eternal identity, we take on small identities. They may not necessarily be wrong, but they are small, temporary, and and unfulfilling. Our big identity is that of a child of God. The separation mindset allows us to e...
What Is Abundant Life?
What is Jesus talking about when He talks about life more abundantly? It's eternal life in HIM that is better and more beautiful than we could ever imagine. It's rest instead of striving. It's fullness. We lack nothing!"The thief does n...
The Power of an Endless Life
Because of Jesus and His sacrifice, we have the power of resurrection life living in us. We are not just trying to survive life on this side of heaven. Life is stronger than death, and we have access to HIS life NOW!